Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bacon Bits


The Kangdiggity (aka out silent partner in whateverthefuckitiswedohere, Tongaroo.) and I are going up in the morning. Maybe BC, but I want to hit Rose and get to work at a reasonable hour so I don't have to work all evening(see next bit).

Strategic planning session: Dessert Epics

i.e. You'll go, and you'll like it! The ESL? Smella, Juni and I will be there. (The Bungalow is also open(and closer to the UNIDROME)).


All contributors have access to the template for this website, so please add links to the noticias (and other sidebars) section as you see fit. If you need help with the code and are too drunk to figure it out, email me or JR.

That is all.


ps how do i know when i'm finished mutating?

1 comment:

Mike said...

Olaf said it got up to 40degrees @ rose earlier in the week, but it's effinggoddamnpeepeefreexing cold there now. Way below 0 F at the top with wind chill. My facegator froze and when we came down I had to cut half of Tongaroo's face off.

There's 3 to 6 inches over a crusty hardpack. Not brakeable, and not ice either. So a BC trip tomorrow is still a good idea.
