Sunday, December 10, 2006

play it as it lies

um, a few years ago, the Garros, B. Siebert (spelling?), and I were trail riding near Flagstaff when low & behold, a big dead tree was found to have layed itself across the trail. it was pretty freshly fallen with no easy ride around - the best line was right over the ~30" high log with the help of a rock or 2...
word on the street is that when a trail crew came through, rather than clear the rocks and cut the log, they bucked a section of log next to the rocks so you could roll up and over or ride right on by. perhaps they just didn't want to bother with moving those things out of the way!

stuff like this is a far cry from boardwalks and teeter totters that the FS is lashing out against, more like keeping things as primitive as possible. yet kinda spicy...

1 comment:

Mike said...

I can understand why a trail crew would want to put in a workaround though since so many times obstacles like that get by-passed by a lot of riders anyway who aren't in to cyclocross and beat a new trail around it.

But yeah. If it's in the trail it's part of the trail!
