Monday, December 18, 2006

Letter to the editor


In your cover article today on the traffic problems on Pyramid Hwy you focused on ways to make the road accomodate increasing numbers of vehicles. Why were there no discussions of ways to decrease the numbers of vehicles on the road? If the stores are in a compact area why is it necessary to have everyone in their own vehicle?

Adding better opportunities for public transportation and non-motorized transportation is a much cheeper option that is better for the community. Focusing on them first will create incentive to utilize them rather than advocating construction projects that come at a great cost to our community and environment. What's that? you say you can't go shopping on a bicycle?,, better put out the cigarette(in an ashtray) and guess again!



Reno Rambler said...

Nice letter!

Perhaps contacting David Bobzien would be a good step as well. He's on the State Assembly Transportation Committee and is also a cyclist! (note Myrna over at first posted on this).

Japhy rider said...

how about a 12-step program to reducing road rage. i'll offer up the first one, you kids take it from there.

numero uno) take 12 steps in the direction you were about to drive, then take 12 more, and repeat - wala, you're there! you'll know just exactly how far you are from the stuff you need to maintain your lifestyle. still wanna buy that 0.25425 acre parcel in the latest master planned disaster just beyond town?