Sunday, December 03, 2006

Plumas Freeride Park

After a leisurely breakfast of coffee and French Toast @ my house J.R. and I proceeded with bikes and dogs to Plumas Park for some tomfoolery. My initial trepidation over the wall drop was no longer an issue. There was some trials'n'. Some jumpin' and some down-right hucking. Thanks to the nice landings McD was only marred with grass stains. He actually rolled the shortest point on the wall, amazingly, then made the mistake of trying that again...

The Nooninator joined us and immeadiately took up with the shenanagins. The rock kicker was perfect. Once we got a feel for it and started hitting it faster the landing was perfect.

There's more to be done there including a nice wall ride and some kind of engineered kicker to take advantage of the nice grassy slope of the terrace between the fields...


And where was the Grisslybikegeek??? AT HOME washing his tights!

Note: We were mindful of the old stone and mortar work and avoided damaging it. No rail slides, no grinds, bashringing.


Reno Rambler said...

So close to my house and I never thought to ride off those drops. Probably for the best since I have a habit of falling off and hurting myself whenever I ride my mtn bike.

Mike said...

It only looks flat in that pic. Click the title link to see the full gallery. It's a perfect sloped landing.

My best trick as a kid was the ghost rider. Get up a bunch of speed and bail off the back and see how far you could get the bike to go before it crashed.


Japhy rider said...

perfect sloped landing? off the stairs was closer to perfectly flat. i think the distance-speed recipe was key. about 7 cups of coffee helped too.