Sunday, November 19, 2006


Photos by the-cool ass bike geek Justin "Ubiquitous" Sullivan.(correction: on reviewing his blog, Justin is clearly a punk, possibly a punk-ass. Good photos though.)

Smella and I hit the Reno Bike Project party and alleycat Saturday. It was fun. Black Label was there with ther many monster bikes including a 5-high that was ridden superman no hands through the parking lot as a pretty fine exit. Then there was a mob-hotaugustnights-streetvibrators style ride after, that I bailed on for obvious reasons.

better than yard work that's for sure.

I bucked the trend by shredding the Vulture. Which proved a better choice when spinning down McCarran to 4th street. (yeah, we had to ride all the way to R@T board shop in the 6000 block og MaeFREAKINGAnn!) And on wheelie dropping on the mobride.



Mike said...

anyone who can rock a huffy like you...


Japhy rider said...

in the beginning... we were all nerds.
that's why it's the beginning.

in the middle, we're bulletprooftraileating
fountainsofpowerexhauting XO of beer&joe.

outofthe Blue somethinghappens
bikes and bikers remain.

we find our path and our friends are there

thenagain, i'm a springchicken.
anyone ridden the Grand View Trail in a DAY?

Japhy rider
"may the wind be at your back and the road rise to meet you."