Thursday, November 09, 2006

Outlawcross Reno Edition

Caption: "This is better than retarded monkey butt-sex!"

The Truckee crew come down to Reno (Mayberry Park)and met a sizeable reno crew for their 6th (7th?) "race" on a Grislybikegeek signature classic course. And you can see from the above photo we rallied McD for a double showing from team Wake. He was kind enough to hand me my ass about 3/4 of the way through.

Thanks to Shawn for setting up a SUPER fun course. Good flat straightaways for the roadies and good techy bumpies for the mounties.

Thanks to Kevin and Lucy for taking photos!



Japhy rider said...

that was fun! thanks, Shawn, for the alpine start to mark the course and the doughnuts and joe after the race. the legs are still buzzin'.


steve garro said...

man, McD, i've seen pics of that orange bike i made ya in all kinds of mutations! steve.

Japhy rider said...

Rosinante is one versatile rig. Add drops, and wala, the Jarbidge (Shoshone for "Monster") dirtroad bike. up-grade to 2" risers, and watch out, rigid_rigid trail mutant! Throw a Columbus steel rack on it with a set of Ortliebs and the world is your oyster.